Monday, May 13, 2013

Target & Usefullness

The ideal candidate will most likely be dwelling in major cities or in small country towns with big city dreams, roughly between the ages of 20 to 40 , male , of all shapes and sizes, with humble incomes while moving towards greener pastures,  single bachelors, with interest in developing a haughty lifestyle. This blog will help aid these individuals on their pursuit of supper.baller.ism.

What Are You Doing Here??

The precise existence and purpose of this blog is simple: to INSPIRE, bring together and to inform like minded individuals that share a taste in the areas of art+sports+culture+and overall greatness. With only one exception. The guiding theme of such topics must satisfy the criteria of being... SUPERBALLERISM in nature.

SUPERBALLERISM definition: the accomplishment and creation of awe inspiring and progressive acts by humanity. A toast to the good life, and the pursuit of the american dream.

MORE importantly, this blog is aimed at influential and progressive tastemakers within their own social circles of friends and acquaintances that live with "bigger than life" aspirations. Do you have goals, like really amazing ones? Do you want to be great at what you do? Do you want to be the best person you can be? Or are you content with settling in life, and being mediocre? If your answer to these questions were: yes! , yes! , yes! no! , then you are probably on the right path, the pursuit of SUPERBALLERism. On this blog you will find content that will fuel the fire of greatness.

Have big dreams? Ok good, then this blog is your destination for everything ART + SPORTS + CULTURE + GREATNESS. Become a well-rounded SuperBaller here.

Enjoy and Imagine.